Monday, August 25, 2008

MySpace Blog Feature - General Information

While has become an extremely popular way to communicate with old friends, as well as make new friends, the blog feature is also growing in popularity. Many people have given up their hand written journals for higher tech, online blogs. With your free MySpace account, a free online blog will be provided to you for your use. The following paragraphs will discuss some general information about using the MySpace blog feature.

Every MySpace member has the option to post in his or her blog as often as they like. When you view someone's profile, you will see their latest blog posts listed from newest to oldest. You can view the blog post by clicking on the title, or by clicking "view all blog entries" at the very bottom of the blog area.

If you read something in someone's blog that your feel is comment worthy, you can leave a comment for them. Not only that, you will be offered the opportunity to leave them kudos when leaving a comment. Some people will set their privacy settings, so only friends can comment on their blog entries. If this is the case, you will not be able to comment or leave kudos unless the person firsts approves you as a friend.

If you read a blog that really sparks your interest, you can subscribe to any blog. When you subscribe to a MySpace blog, you will receive notification each time a new entry has been posted. When you view your own blog page, any subscription blog entries will be listed, and unread entries will remain marked "New" until you read them. This makes it very easy to distinguish between the subscription posts you have read, and the ones you have not read. To subscribe to someone's blog, click the link from their profile. It should say "subscribe to this blog. You will be prompted to answer as to if you really wish to subscribe to the blog in question. Once you click "Subscribe", you will be subscribes to the blog.

To post a new blog entry of your own is fairly simple. Once you log into your MySpace account, you can get to your blog page in two different ways. These ways are:

Click "Manage Blog" link on home page
Click "Blog" link in the menu at the top of your profile or home page

Under "My Controls" you will find a link labeled "Post New Blog". To post a new blog entry, click it. Type your entry into the provided area and click "preview & post". If you do not need to edit your entry, click post and you're new entry will appear.

About the Author:
Steve Iser is the author of several Social Networking eBooks, and a popular Social Networking Traffic Software Application. For more info see

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