Monday, September 1, 2008

The Risks Of Making Money On MySpace

MySpace is an excellent tool to use for selling virtually anything on the Internet; however, it is important to take into consideration that certain uses of it could put your business in jeopardy. For this reason, you should exercise caution when creating and using a MySpace account.

The biggest risk of using MySpace to make money is basing your entire business model on a MySpace profile. This is a big risk because MySpace technically owns your profile and can do with it what they wish. If you send out bulletins to your friends and one of them takes issue, your account could be flagged and banned. This means that all of your source of new customers would grind to a halt in an instant.

Another significant risk of using MySpace to make money is that MySpace’s terms of service are somewhat unclear about business use; however, the generally accepted understanding of the ToS is that you cannot use MySpace for most commercial uses, including sending out bulletins that include links or putting up links on your profile. Additionally, business profiles are almost certainly not included as a valid use of MySpace.

Additionally, in different sections of the ToS, there is some indication that MySpace reserves the right to sue anyone for commercial use of bulletins.

If, for instance, you send out a bulletin to 40,000 friends, they could fine you a certain amount for each of those individual friends. In most cases, this isn’t something that happens, but it is a possibility if you abuse MySpace for commercial purposes.

Another risk of making money with MySpace is that many segments of MySpace users simply do not convert well. They are teenagers, who do not buy things with credit cards online. If you spend all of your time building up a MySpace account to promote your business, you may end up wasting a considerable amount of time and energy, but without many rewards to show for it.

For all of these reasons, you will want to be cautious about the way in which you use MySpace and the amount of effort you put into it.

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