Thursday, August 28, 2008

Getting A Basic MySpace Account

Here’s a quick overview of how to set up your basic account with and begin enjoying all their services.

One of the first things you need to understand about is that there is no charge to establish an account with them. What’s more, there is not a single feature or function associated with basic services that is not free. At the present time, the funding for the site all comes from advertising revenues. While at some future point, there may be additional premium style services that will involve some sort of fee, there will always be plenty to choose that carries no charge.

When it comes to establishing your account, the process is similar to joining a message board. You will be asked to read the rules and regulations for the site and agree to them. From there, you will have the opportunity to establish a screen name and password that is unique to you. After you have been approved and your screen name and password is active, you can begin the process of creating your basic profile. The basic profile is already compiled as a template; you simply have to fill in the blanks.

The entire process of creating a account can take just a few moments. Once you have the account established and your basic profile in place, you can begin the process of using the search engines to find friends who are already signed up to, as well as begin to invite your friends to join and network as well.

There are a lot of things you can do with Visit their home page on the Internet and read about the various applications. One of them is sure to be a good fit for you.

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